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HPU’s theatre department to present original drama “Mouthpiece” at Brownwood’s Lyric

Howard Payne University’s Department of Theatre has announced performances of “Mouthpiece,” an original one-act drama written by Dr. 尼古拉斯·埃文, assistant professor of theatre. The play will be performed Friday through Sunday, May 10-12, at Brownwood’s Lyric Theatre. Each performance will begin at 7:00 p.m. 持续大约50分钟.

“Mouthpiece” depicts the story of a senator who, 事故发生后, prompts those around him to consider the power of God’s Word.

“Simply st年龄d with beautiful renditions of traditional hymns, ‘Mouthpiece’ poses deep questions and portrays the profoundly human cost of belief and unbelief,”医生说。. 埃文. “Particularly poignant in today’s world of corruption and shifting definitions of truth, our drama expresses in rich dramatic detail that the Word of God is, 正如希伯来书4:12所说, 比任何双刃剑都锋利, able to penetrate even to dividing soul and spirit, and judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

免费入场, but donations will be accepted to assist with expenses for the group to travel to the International Collegiate Theatre Festival (ICTF) in August to perform “Mouthpiece.” The ICTF is held in conjunction with the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland.

“This play will be performed as part of the HPU Department of Theatre’s mission to share the love of Christ with the world at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe,”医生说。. 埃文. “We invite the public to support this mission through prayer that God’s kingdom would be revealed through the witness of these student missionaries and through the performance of this play.”

Participating in the production are Dr. 埃文, 剧本是谁写的?, directs it and performs music; Christopher 埃文, 梅高中的二年级学生, who operates lights; Jessica Catlett, a senior from Alleyton majoring in social work and the 人维. 纽曼荣誉学院, who operates sound; Isaac Williams, a senior from May majoring in Christian education, who performs music; and cast members 莎拉海因里希斯, a junior from Hico majoring in theatre arts with all-level certification; 播放音乐的摩西, a senior from May majoring in theatre arts with all-level certification; 杰克Bowren, a junior from San Antonio majoring in theatre; 桂皮玫瑰, campus visit coordinator and 2018 HPU graduate; and 月桂Pinkney, a sophomore theatre major from Carrollton.

“This show is affecting and personal,” said Pinkney. “Filled with memorable characters and interspersed with traditional hymns, this play will linger in audience members’ minds long after they’ve left the theatre.”

For more information, contact HPU’s 音乐与美术学院 at 325-649-8500.

Applications are still being accepted for the fall 2019 semester at Howard Payne University. HPU offers a variety of financial aid options. 有关HPU的更多信息, contact the Office of Admission at 325-649-8020 or by e-mail at enroll@zizhanggui.com.


Cutline #1: On st年龄 for HPU’s production of “Mouthpiece” are, 从左, 月桂Pinkney, 桂皮玫瑰, 杰克Bowren, 播放音乐的摩西, 莎拉海因里希斯, 艾萨克·威廉姆斯博士. 尼古拉斯·埃文.

Cutline #2: The play “Mouthpiece,” written by HPU的博士. 尼古拉斯·埃文, will be performed at Brownwood’s Lyric Theatre May 10-12 at 7:00 p.m
